Wednesday, August 27, 2008

-i am an engine and i'm rolling on, thru endless revisions to say what i mean-

sometimes i want very badly to express what i am feeling. which is strange in a way, i think i can use words well enough to tell people what i mean, but i think it goes deeper than that, like i want to create something to communicate the emotions that i feel. i wish i could write songs. the quote at the top of all this is a neutral milk hotel song, and they communicate feeling better than any one i've ever heard, yet i can hardly figure out what the words of most songs are about and mean, and that's what i wish i could do, make art like that. i don't really even try, but it is a thought i've had.

i just started my third year at bible college. i'm excited for it. it's going to be unlike any other year i've lived yet.

Monday, August 25, 2008

i keep seeing people become more and more self absorbed, and it terrifies me. like people i dearly love too. i wouldn't think i was any stronger than that. i think it hurts a lot of people. i want to be in, and stay in, a place where i can hold on to nothing but christ and be okay with that.

G-d of peace, we want you.

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

last year, chase's desk (which is now gabes) had "ihtfp" written in pen on the tackboard. chase said he guessed it meant "i hate this fucking place". our desks used to belong to an army barracks, but i don't know which person wrote it, the army solider or the bible college student. i don't know which place is worse. i can't stand being here anymore. maybe it's just school altogether. maybe it's me. i know its me in part for sure. but i don't know if its a good or bad thing not liking it here. i recall starting here with such hope, such furious ambition, now i can't wait to leave. "i read more maps than books, every chance to leave is another chance i should have took (brand new)".

i hate that so much of this blog is me complaining. sorry about that.

why do i feel more angry (key word, angry, not sad or regretfully) about being in/at this school than about jared? i feel like such a bastard for that. i took that well, have healed and responded in a very healthy and good way. but, there is school. i hate that i hate this place, that i'm starting to feel bitter. after jared died i felt so, i don't know this sounds weird, but i felt so alive. i was hurting so much, i was with people so much, school was such a small thing, an after thought really. now the intensity of loosing jared has died down a bit and school is more of the focus, and it seems so empty. i don't know if i should go on with it.

i shouldn't be bitter towards anything. i shouldn't hate. i shouldn't feel burdened by school. i shouldn't feel like i am going to get terrible grades. i shouldn't feel like i'm disappointing G-d. i shouldn't be irresponsible in anything in my life.

but i do and i am.

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

you shall know our velocity and i feel like a dumb girl

i've reached a point where i can't hardly stand being at school, or maybe just this school, anymore. maybe i'm just having a bad week, but i feel like i hate this place. not really the people tho, as individuals, i like most everyone, i don't hate anyone here at all, but as a large group of people, they (we?) get weird. i can't express what bible college is like, but it's not the greatest thing. so i'm tired of all this. i wish i could hang out with all my salem friends and be in salem, but still have all my friends from school around too.
i love jin-jin's. it's the best food in the world. we go every tuesday. today, however, no one wanted to go. and my car is broke. and chris delaney, who did want to go, doesn't have a car either. that was the final straw. i was fucking pissed as shit. it's such a small thing. but that on top of all my feeling about not wanting-so-much to be here, i got in that weird mood where i'm both mad and sad at once. i just wanted to get away or give up. and i never have a moment alone. my roommate (who i like very much as a person and a roommate) never leaves the room. i'm never alone without being in public. i just wanted to lay in bed and blast broken social scene or something, but this was not an option. and i don't have a car, so i couldn't (easily) go to a cafe or something. i watched planet earth for a while, but people kept talking to me (jerks), so it became clear that i need to take the max to powells to buy a book - a deep spiritual journey - i have a giftcard. so i did. i was in a friends room a few days ago and saw "you shall know our velocity" by dave eggers, who wrote "a heartbreaking work of staggering genius", and i love his titles, so i got that one. i love being able to just read a story and feel like i'm not here at all.
i also noticed that when i read a lot of narrative, i start thinking in narrative. i describe everything going on in my mind as tho it was a novel ("i paused here not sure about what to write next and just watched my fingers punch the keys as the thoughts spewed from my mind as uninhibited and epic as a volcano erupting"), do you see what i mean?

five weeks left of school and then summer. and beer. i'm 21 now. i haven't broken contract at school and i wanted to smoke like non-other all day today. it's been a bad past few days, i'm moody as hell and i hate it, i feel like a dumb girl. i haven't been in salem for the longest stretch of time since before winter break, and i miss it.

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

being here

this is something i wrote and posted on facebook, but then deleted because i didn't really care for what people were commenting about. it esencacially turned into exactly what i was annoied by in the first place. don't do that here, or i'll but a curse on you.


It’s hard to describe how much I’ve come to hate so much of bible college. This place is so strange, and not in a “do not conform to the patterns of this world” strange, because we absolutely do, but rather a “I’m not sure this is healthy or good” strange. I should state that I’m sort of pissed off right now, and thus the motivation to write all this jazz. I feel like I can hardly stand being in this place. Last spring semester I hated it, but summer saved me and G-d brought me back to bible college, but I want to leave again, only five more weeks till summer. I can’t imagine sitting at another table where everyone is putting in their worthless two cents about some damn theological or christian cultural issue. It’s like we’ve all gotten terribly bored of real truth, so we’ve had to move onto some obscure issue that has so little bearing on anything even close to being important. Or maybe we’re all just too sociably awkward to have meaningful conversations that don’t involve our take on christianbabel. Take your pick of any one of the dozens of things that get discussed in the jca, or the cafeteria or any place and sit back and discuss, argue, be safe and comfortable and give your thoughts about the issue. Living at a place with six hundred or so people who are, largely, training themselves for christian leadership, and you get a flock of pre-shepherds trying their very best to lead one another thru valley of the shadow of death that is a perfectly safe and comfortable life we live. I can’t even speak a word against us for not doing anything to engage our world for christ because at this point I have no idea what that looks like, and it’s not as if I’m doing much myself, all thought I should be speaking out about this and doing something myself, but eating in the cafeteria and taking about if open air preaching is okay or not is just so much safer, even when jeff is doing something to save the world, is pathetic. Or maybe it’s predestination, or TaNaKh order, or if systematic theology is an okay way to read the bible, or if dating is wise or not, cussing, if non-christian art is okay (this one pisses me off because I love music and see Christ in it, oh well), whatever it is, I’m just so sick of it. I’m sorry, I know I’m being an asshole, I know this is extremely one-sided and unfair, and I know that this shows that I have a bitter heart, but I’m just so sick of living in a christian community that is trying to imitate the world, yet still claims christ, and is all the while fully academic.
I remember when I can here how uneducated I was about so many things, how I’ve learned so much, but also how I’ve grown cynical and tired. I felt like a child excited at all the potential of life, but I see how jacked up this place is, and now want to distance myself from so much of it. I can’t even express how blessed I am to have the friends here that I do, that’s my saving grace. It’s just all this meaningless and fruitless discussion that is festering under my skin makes me want to just give up on this place. It feels fake. I feel like we’re a joke.

Thursday, January 31, 2008

this blew my mind

so, my church, imago dei, showed this movie called "lord save us from your followers", and it was epic awesome. funny, yet very thought provoking, i teared up for most of the latter half of the film. if you get a chance, watch it.

here's the synopsis:

Though nine out of ten Americans claim a belief in God, public expression of faith is more contentious as ever. Even as discussion of religion floods the media like never before, the rhetoric is divisive and hyper as the 2008 elections loom on the horizon.

Lord, Save Us From Your Followers is the energetic, accessible documentary that explores the collision of faith and culture in America. Fed up with the angry, strident language filling the airwaves that has come to represent the Christian faith, director (and follower) Dan Merchant set out to discover why the Gospel of Love is dividing America.

Utilizing a broad array of expert interviews, man-on-the-street bits, hilarious animations and “I’ve never seen that before” stunts, Lord, Save Us From Your Followers brings everyone into the conversation that this country is aching to have.

In the tradition of “entertaining documentaries” like Super Size Me, Bowling For Columbine and What the Bleep Do We Know?, Lord, Save Us From Your Followers, employs the language of pop culture to create a provocative, funny and redemptive viewing experience that will leave the audience talking for hours.

From the man-on-the-street blitz of “Bumpersticker Man” to a “Culture Wars” game show, from Dan’s proclamation drive to re-name St. Paul to New Leningrad to the controversial and moving “Confession Booth” at Gay Pride, Lord, Save Us From Your Followers delves into all the hot button issues with candor, humor and balance.

With exclusive interviews with comedian/Senatorial candidate Al Franken, former Senator and Religious Right inside man Rick Santorum, noted “liberal evangelical” Tony Campolo, conservative radio host Michael Reagan, racial reconciliation activist Dr. John Perkins and features with Bono, Pastor Rick Warren (“Purpose Driven Life”), James Dobson, Jerry Falwell and Pat Robertson, no stone is left unturned in this engaging, unpredictable and challenging look at the conflict over religion in America.

Tuesday, January 29, 2008


this is rad, stawart is amazing, and these guys can't handle him being serious and smarter than them. sorry, i hate politics, but this is fun.